Sooo..its been a while.. but thats okay, cause I'm here now! I did not forget you guys and I apologize if anyone feels that I did. September just arrived way too quickly and I was NOT ready for it! I am ready for Fall though! Apple cider donuts sound like a blessing rn. While I'm literally taking a minute to breathe from my new crazy, and busy life, let me fill you in on the past couple of weeks!
August I didn't even feel like I was in a month in August. I literally felt like I was living day to day, eating and breathing, getting as much as I could to prepare for my big move and then August 31st came. If I wasn't at work, I was out running errands getting last minute things, going to my doctors getting my check-ups done and whatever medicine I needed in 3 month supply. I left my job at Kohls in Wappingers (And while I wanted to return for the holidays, I don't see that happening any time soon) so if you are an avid Kohls shopper, you will no longer find me there. I used to bitch and complain about my job all the time, but the past two weeks having no job have been so weird! I miss the weekly pay check, the comfortable and sweet and kind faces I'd see on a daily basis, and importantly, the discount lol. My last day was a bittersweet one for sure, but who knows, maybe one day I'll return to Kohls as a lawyer for them.
So let's pause for a second and go back to the part where I said uncomfortable. After having two weeks of law school down, moving from a queen sized bedroom into a 480 sq. foot apartment in Cambridge with my best friend, taking the T to class (takes me about 45 min in total, including a 20 minute walk if I miss the bus-which usually happens.)
First let me start by saying, God does not put you in a position in which He believes you cannot handle. Everything happens for a reason, I am, and always will be a firm believer in that.
I had never been to Boston before looking at this school. This is my first time in a city I do not know. Even when I went abroad, I had visited London prior, so I knew the area well. As you can imagine, it's been weird, uncomfortable but all in a good way.
Law school is a lot of work. It's sooo much work, but it's so interesting that I actually want to do it. I am in a school that is so diverse its so new and so uncomfortable its a good thing. If you guys know me on a personal level, I went to school in a predominantly caucasian area. Even my undergrad wasn't as diverse. The diversity here amazes me but I feel so much more comfortable and at the same time uncomfortable, its intriguing. My homework typically consists of a lot of reading and in the first week, I've already become a better reader. The assignments are dense but it's so cool. I'm reading about actual things that happened to actual people and maybe one day I'll be writing a Judge's opinion. Who knows?
I wasn't ready nor prepared to leave my house and move into an apartment. When I first got here I was shocked by the apartment size and my bedroom size. Our apartment was also in a literal state as the previous tenants were literally disgusting, didn't clean anything, it was dirty, gross, literally everything you can imagine. We had to really get in with bleach and Clorox to get everything out and now its sparkling clean. I gave the "bigger" room to my best friend so I ended up in the "smaller" one. (I put those in quotes because quite honestly they are the same size its just hers is a little bigger.) After we put everything together, I can honestly say our apartment should be on a Freeform T.V. show, its so cute. (Side Note: I'll be doing an apartment tour soon, stay tuned to my IG).
I miss my family and friends a lot, but I slowly learned its not just me making the sacrifice for 3 years to better myself. Being uncomfortable its tough, but its not bad. You need to be uncomfortable in order to grow, thats just it. Your ideal situation will never be ideal, sometimes you just need to re adjust and rewire and stay positive. If you keep putting yourself in a position in which you're comfortable, your life will always stay the same way. Don't settle, always go for more! Thats my advice for September.
